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The s3sync-service tool is asynchronously syncing data to S3 storage service for multiple sites (path + bucket combination).

On start, the s3sync-service launches pool of generic upload workers, checksum workers and an FS watcher for each site. Once all of the above launched it starts comparing local directory contents with S3 (using checksums<->ETag and also validates StorageClass) which might take quite a while depending on the size of your data directory, disk speed, and available CPU resources. All the new files or removed files (if retire_deleted is set to true) are put into the upload queue for processing. The FS watchers, upload and checksum workers remain running while the main process is working, which makes sure that your data is synced to S3 upon change.

Running the s3sync-service

  1. Create directory with configuration file, eg. - /path/to/config/config.yml.
  2. Run docker container with providing AWS credentials via environment variables (IAM role should also do the trick), alternatively credentials could be provided in the config file, mount directory containing the config file and all of the backup directories listed in the config file:
docker run --rm -ti \
-e "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1" \
-v "/path/to/config:/opt/s3sync-service" \
-v "/backup/path:/backup" \
zmazay/s3sync-service \
./s3sync-service -config /opt/s3sync-service/config.yml


Example configuration:

upload_workers: 10
- local_path: /local/path1
  bucket: backup-bucket-path1
  bucket_region: us-east-1
  storage_class: STANDARD_IA
  access_key: AKIAI44QH8DHBEXAMPLE
  secret_access_key: je7MtGbClwBF/2Zp9Utk/h3yCo8nvbEXAMPLEKEY
    - .[Dd][Ss]_[Ss]tore
    - .[Aa]pple[Dd]ouble
- local_path: /local/path2
  bucket: backup-bucket-path2
  bucket_path: path2
    - "[Tt]humbs.db"
- local_path: /local/path3
  bucket: backup-bucket-path3
  bucket_path: path3
    - "[Tt]humbs.db"

Command line args

-config string
    Path to the config.yml (default "config.yml")
-metrics-path string
    Prometheus exporter path (default "/metrics")
-metrics-port string
    Prometheus exporter port, 0 to disable the exporter (default "9350")

Generic configuration options

Variable Description Default Required
access_key Global AWS Access Key n/a no
secret_access_key Global AWS Secret Access Key n/a no
aws_region AWS region n/a no
loglevel Logging level, valid options are - trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic. With log level set to trace logger will output everything, with debug everything apart from trace and so on. info no
upload_queue_buffer Number of elements in the upload queue waiting for processing, might improve performance, however, increases memory usage 0 no
checksum_workers Number of checksum workers for the service CPU*2 no
upload_workers Number of upload workers for the service 10 no
watch_interval Interval for file system watcher in milliseconds 1000 no
s3_ops_retries Number of retries for upload and delete operations 5 no

Site configuration options

Variable Description Default Required
name Human friendly site name bucket/bucket_path no
local_path Local file system path to be synced with S3, using relative path is known to cause some issues. n/a yes
bucket S3 bucket name n/a yes
bucket_path S3 path prefix n/a no
bucket_region S3 bucket region global.aws_region no
retire_deleted Remove files from S3 which do not exist locally false no
storage_class S3 storage class STANDARD no
access_key Site AWS Access Key global.access_key no
secret_access_key Site AWS Secret Access Key global.secret_access_key no
watch_interval Interval for file system watcher in milliseconds, overrides global setting global.watch_interval no
exclusions List of regex filters for exclusions n/a no
s3_ops_retries Number of retries for upload and delete operations global.s3_ops_retries no

Prometheus metrics

In addition to the default Go metrics, s3sync-service exports some custom metrics on default path (/metrics) and port (9350), check the command line arguments for customisation.

All the custom metrics are exported separately for the configured sites (has site="my-site" in labels).

Metric name Description Metric type
s3sync_data_total_size Total size of the synced objects Gauge
s3sync_data_objects_count Total number of the synced objects Gauge
s3sync_errors_count Number of errors, could be used for alerting Counter


  1. Same bucket can be used for multiple sites (local directories) only in case both use some bucket_path, otherwise, site using bucket root will delete the data from the prefix used by another site. Setting retire_deleted to false for the site using bucket root should fix this issue.
  2. AWS credentials and region have the following priority:
    1. Site AWS credentials (region)
    2. Global AWS credentials (region)
    3. Environment variables